Space Politics and Policies: Chinese-Javanese Ethnic Segregation in Parakan and Integration Effort

Ibnu Sodiq, FISIP Kajian Sejarah (2022) Space Politics and Policies: Chinese-Javanese Ethnic Segregation in Parakan and Integration Effort. Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 32 (1). ISSN 0854-0039

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is study aims to describe the history of the dynamic relationship between Chi�nese and Javanese in Parakan, Temanggung Regency, Central Java. e method used is the historical research method which consists of four stages. ese are heuristics, source criti�cism, interpretation and historiography. e study used qualitative analysis with a phenome�nological approach. e ethnic Chinese-Javanese relationship in Parakan had ups and downs, especially during the colonial period until aer the G30S incident. As a minority group, the Chinese were oen racially discriminated against. Discrimination and negative sentiment are also driven by the inequality of socio-economic conditions between Chinese�Javanese. Moreover, the state, through various regulations, has contributed to strengthening this segregation, in the form of space politics and policies. at is, Parakan City is divided into two sub-districts, Parakan Kulon (Kauman) and Parakan Wetan (Chinatown). e co�lonial government also contributed to the existence of a different socio-economic stratifica�tion, prioritizing the ethnic Chinese as a higher stratum. is construction was preserved until the New Order era. ese differences created disharmonious relationship, oen ending in conflict. Moreover, the exclusive and elitist attitude were held by most of the ethnic Chi�nese. Some of these things eventually become the inhibiting factors for the integration pro�cess of perfect segregation. In the end, the eternal Javanese sentiment with the Chinese eth�nicity hindered the process of recognizing the same national identity. Even there is an inte�gration effort.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Space, Segregation, Chinese-Javanese, Parakan, Inequality
Subjects: D History General and Old World > DS Asia > Indonesian History
Fakultas: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Kajian Sejarah S2
Depositing User: mahargjo hapsoro adi
Date Deposited: 23 Aug 2024 02:54
Last Modified: 23 Aug 2024 02:54

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