Nur Luthfia Tirokhatul Latifa 1401413273, 1401413273 (2017) HUBUNGAN GAYA BELAJAR DAN MINAT BACA DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR IPS SISWA KELAS V SD GUGUS KI HAJAR DEWANTARA KECAMATAN KENDAL. Under Graduates thesis, Universitas Negeri Semarang.

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Learning methods are an approach that explains how individuals learn or how the individual being concentrated on the new information process initiating different perceptions. While interest in reading is an encouragement to understand words by words which contains on the text, therefore the reader can understand matters set forth in the text. Learning styles that match the character and student’s condition can be affecting on a high reading interest. This will have a positive effect on the learning outcomes. Based on this, the study aims to: (1) examine the relationship between learning method with students' learning outcomes on Social Subjects on V Grades at Group Scout Elementary School Ki Hajar Dewantara, District of Kendal; (2) to test the correlation between reading interest with learning result of Social Subjects of students of V Grades SD Ki Hajar Dewantara Cluster, Kendal District; (3) to examine the relationship between learning method and reading interest towards the result of Social Subjects of V grades students at Scout Group of Elementary School of Ki Hajar Dewantara Kendal District. This correlational research using ex post facto research method. The population in this study are students of V grades of SD Ki Hajar Dewantara which has 123 students. The sampling technique used in this study is proportional sampling. The results showed that: (1) there is a positive and significant relationship between learning methods with students' learning outcomes on Social Subject at V grades students at Ki Hajar Dewantara Elementary School, District of Kendal. The result of Product Moment correlation analysis shows that the correlation coefficient or equal to 0.763; (2) there is a positive and significant correlation between reading interest towards the result of social Subject of V grades students Elementary School Scout gropu Ki Hajar Dewantara Kendal District. The result of Product Moment correlation analysis shows that the correlation coefficient or equal to 0.717; (3) there is a positive correlation between learning method and reading interest towards learning result of Social Subjects of V grades’ students at Group Scout Ki Hajar Dewantara Elementary School, Kendal District. The result of double correlation analysis shows that the correlation coefficient or equal to 0.808 is in very strong category. Based on these studies, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between learning methods and interests of reading towards the learning outcomes of Social Subjects from V grades students scour grup Ki Hajar Dewantara Elementary School, District of Kendal.

Item Type: Thesis (Under Graduates)
Uncontrolled Keywords: learning method, reading interest, and Social Subject learning outcomes
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General) > learning style
Fakultas: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (S1)
Depositing User: Users 98 not found.
Date Deposited: 25 Jun 2018 12:58
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2018 12:58

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